ADHD or life? - A couples perspective!

Episode 9: "Is it ADHD or did we just have a baby?"

Adam and Donna Episode 9

In this week's episode of Is it ADHD or Life? A Couple’s Perspective, we dive into the chaos, joy, and sheer exhaustion of welcoming a baby into the mix. How does having a newborn shift the dynamics of a relationship? And more importantly, does it amplify ADHD symptoms—or is it just the sleep deprivation talking?

We explore how our brains adapt (or don’t!) to the loss of spontaneity, shifting priorities, and the constant demands of a tiny human. Adam shares his struggles with sudden changes in plans and the frustration of not always getting his way. Plus, our regular 5-Minute Moan segment takes on tables and lady things (yes, you’ll want to hear this one!). And, of course, we read your Good, Bad, and Ugly listener messages.

If you’ve ever questioned whether it’s ADHD or just life, this episode is for you! 🎙️

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